Monday, June 1, 2009

Holy moley it's been awhile!

This was the night of our anniversay! We had gone camping the night before and went boating with brian and angela, then we came home and swam for a while got ready and went to the dodger game with... Dad, Jared, Jaden, Alex, Scott, Austin, Owen and Drew. It was such a fun day! Happy 6 years!!!! I love you Michael!


bladesfam said...

Owen looks exactly like michael in that top picture! Wow! It was fun boating and camping with you guys the night before! We love you guys! Happy Anniversary!

CaraDee said...

Happy Anniversary! Tho why you would want to be married to that guy for 6 years is beyond me...JK

Crazy Lifferths said...

Yea for a new post! And Yea on 6 years! I knew that we were there for it, but I couldn't remember if it was the 22, 23, or 24! LOVE LOVE LOVE the pic of Autie and Owen, so cute! Miss and love you all! XO

Cara....your comment made me laugh so hard I almost peed my pants!

Rebekah said...

Congrats on six years!! I cannot wait to celebrate my first anniversary with Graham. Even though we have been together for five years, Graham has always refused to celebrate our yearly anniversary. But now that we are married... he promises anniversary celebrations ;) It's been fun reconnecting and seeing what your family is up to.