Monday, January 19, 2009


Here are some pictures of Drew! Turn the sound off for the video because there is a bunch of people talking and it's not that fun to listen to! 

Saturday, January 10, 2009


It has come to our attention that the medical staff made an error assessing little Drew's weight. They did not zero out the scale, so his actual weight is 7 lbs flat. That is more like a Barnett/Bryan baby. Sorry for any confusion that may have come from this false information. So guess you all will need to see if you can take back all the onesies that say "Eight pounds and proud of it!"

Friday, January 9, 2009

Drew Seth Barnett

Drew Seth Barnett

So here is how it went dowm... Adi went to the hospital at 9:00 am to check in and get ready for the baby. The doctor came in and broke her water around 12:15 and then told us that the anesthesiologist was in a surgery and that he would be by around 1:30 or 2:00pm to give Adi an epidural. Well, Drew was not going to wait that long! About 15 minutes after they broke Adi's water she had some serious contractions. About 30 minutes after that, Drew was born. Too bad for Adi there was no time for the epidural. She had to do this one old school. Adrienne did an amazing job. She was very strong and handled the pain with a grace that I will never be able to understand. I have a new appreciation for women do to bring life into this world, and I am grateful that they have the strength to go through with it. I think we all know that if the roles were reversed human would have been extinct thousand of years ago. I am very proud of Adi and I am excited to spend more time with Drew and get to know him. 

Owen was very excited to meet his baby brother. He was very interested in Drew for about 10 minutes, then he started acting crazy, slipped and put his tooth through his bottom lip. In true Owen form there were little tears an he was off to climb on something new. IT was after this "The Grandmas" took him home. They were an unbelievable strength to Adi and I and we are very greatful for their help. 

Drew is 8 lbs 5 oz and is 20 inches in length. He is a beautiful baby boy and the doctors all say that he is a fine specimen of health. He and Adi are doing great and we are thankful everyones kindness. Enjoy some pics of the little guy!

Tuesday, January 6, 2009

Nothing is happening!!!!!!!!

Yesterday I went to the Dr. (he has been out of town for the last 2 and 1/2 weeks) I am dilated to a three and he says it could be anytime now. He told me to go on long walks and jump on a trampoline! I went on a walk yesterday and felt like i was contracting the whole time, but as soon as i got home... NOTHING! I am trying to stay calm and happy but seriously!!!!!!!!! I have and induction scheduled for Friday and i guess that gives me piece of mind that I wont be pregnant FOREVER but I swear with all my heart that time has slowed down. everyday goes by so slowly i think I might go crazy. Owen keeps yelling into my belly, "Come out baby brother!! Come play with me!!!!" For Christmas Michael convinced my Dad to buy one of those basketball game things you find at an arcade where there are two baskets and you have a competition. Anyway, Owen is obsessed with it and was shooting baskets the other day. I was standing next to it and he was standing on a chair. he shot a ball and yelled into my belly, "Did you see that baby brother? Did you see that?" I t makes me laugh! I am excited to see what kind of big brother Owen will be. I can't wait. I really hope it is soon. Please baby come out! please?  

Sunday, January 4, 2009

Owen and his Jams!


Owen loved his gift from Santa. He had been asking for weeks if Santa was going to bring him a "Thomas Train". Santa was a little cheap and got him the Toys-r-us version. Thomas the Train sets are outrageously expensive. Owen hates Santa and he was not excited to sit on his lap. Through the line he was feeling anxious and was crying. I told him that if he was a good boy and didn't cry, Santa would bring him whatever he wanted. As we approached Santa, Owen stopped crying, put on a serious face and climbed on his knee. Once on his knee he plastered on a fake smile and allowed the photographer to take his pictures. He promptly umped off Santa's knee and looked him straight in the face and said "Thomas the Train Set". IT was very funny. Enjoy his reaction to finding what Santa brought him.