Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Happy Fathers Day

We haven't seen much of Michael these days... he had midterms... then I was in Utah for a week... then he was in Utah to run the Wasatch Back... then was home for a day but had work and school until 10:30... and now he is in San Fran on business! Even though i was with Michael's family in Utah and live with my family ( who all have been a tremendous help!) I feel like a single mom. I honestly don't know how people do it! I would be the worst single mother! i realize how much I need Michael and how much he does for our little family! He is such a hard worker and I know he does it all for us! Thank you for all you do and for always keeping smiles on our faces!!!! love you!


Ryan said...

I love you too Michael. Seriously!

john said...

Adi, I'm sorry you have been without your man for so long. It has been nice to have you both here though. Perhaps we can arrange to see you both at the same time sometime.

As for you, Michael Barnett,
you are a sparkling oasis in the desert.
Happy father's day indeed.

The Wright's said...

Ummm... You were in UTAH? I would have liked to have seen you. Even if we met in SL for lunch or something. Consider yourself warned: call me and let me know when you come to Utah! We miss you guys! Just cause our common friend no longer lives here doesn't mean we can't see each other! Next time, next time...

Crazy Lifferths said...

Happy Father's Day you sexy, BBQ-loving, Wasatch Back running, MBA going, GPS entrepreneur-ing, NBA dreaming, college football playing (again dreaming), Hot tub chilling, young living and adventurous beast. You're a good man - Scott