Monday, March 31, 2008

Where did Spring go?

Spring time is not coming to Utah. We will forever be forced to endure the freezing cold. I woke up this morning to go to work and I Had to literally chisel an inch of ice off my car. Then I got to sit in traffic for an hour and a half all the while driving on a sheet of ice. This is not what I signed up for. I came back from lunch an the picture that was up on my screen saver was of Owen late last summer enjoying his favorite shirt. It reminded me of better time and raised my spirits in the reflection that summer will one day return. I hope it does the same for all those of you who do not live in sunny Southern Cal and for those who think this story is all too familiar.

It is time for Lady winter to retreat to her icy cave from whence she came, and to not return until Autumn has come and gone. Hello sweet Spring, I await your warm embrace and I am encouraged by the summer air that is on the horizon.


Unknown said...

he is the most freakin cute kid alive.

Spencer Hyde said...

thanks for the slant about Pepe's on Amy's blog. I think I actually might work there just to show you I can!

Ashley C. said...

love the shirt.... classic. :)

Abby said...

Oh Adrienne my Adrienne!!!! It's Abby!! Hey! I have missed you soooooo much. Owen is the most adorable child alive. You look beautiful and so happy! I found you through Stacey. Visit me!! Email me!! Love you!

Cindy Merris said...

It was so fun having you guys over for dinner the other night. Owen is so cute!

Annie M. said...

Adrienne! I am so glad that you posted your blog address on the fam website since you NEVER post pictures of Owen. He is so dang cute!!