Sunday, March 16, 2008


WE went to Mexico in the end of February. It was a nice break from the crazy winter we have had!!! Bob and Gesse were great traveling partners. Michael and I got to sleep in a few times and that is always a treat. Owen had so much fun at the beach and at the hotel because he could just run like crazy ( if you know Owen you know what I am talking about)! One day we went to some ruins and i thought about if prophets of the book of mormon had actually been there, like some people speculate, how overwhelming that is to be standing there on that same ground. We had such a good time and I am so glad owen could be there with us!!!!


Stacey said...

those are some really cute pics!!! Can't wait to see you soon.

Adrianne said...

yea! so glad that you have joined the blogging world. owen is darling and it looks like you had a great time in Mexico!

sterlingandbrandi said...

I am so jealous right now. That looks so nice and warm. And Adi could you be any smaller and cuter? Seriously I can't believe that tiny body birthed a baby.

Eric said...

That looks like so much fun! And one of the best things in the world when you are a mom is the chance to sleep in!!! :) I love the pictures of Owen, he is so cute!