Monday, May 4, 2009

This was Easter in St. George! We had a great time with the barnett family!!!

Last week Kelly was here on break and it was really hot so we went to the beach a few days in a row! The second day we were there we were surprised by Karalee and Austin!!!!! They just strolled up the beach like they lived ten minutes away ( after driving from Arizona) It was the best surprise EVER!!!!!!!!!

Classic!!! All the boys picking their noses!!!
We went to Disneyland on Friday for Owen's birthday! We had quite the crew!! Lucas, Dalon, Austin and Drew all there for the first time!!! The boys loved every minute of it it was really cute to watch!
Jared and Coleen and the kids met up with us in the late afternoon and all the boys just love having uncle jared around!!! I love that they all had to raise their arms for Pirates!!!
When I asked Owen what he wanted to do for his birthday he told me he wanted a monster cake... This little cake was really fun to make!!! Kelly said she wanted to pinch the monsters cheeks all day!!!!

Owen is still obsessed with the dodgers and manny ramirez so he got the manny wig!!!

Drew enjoyed the party as well!!!!

These are just some cute pictures I took last week!!!
Owen, I think they look alike


Summer said...

Yay! Cute, Cute, Cute! Drew does look like Owey a bit in that good talking to you today. Miss you!

cej said...

Happy Birthday Owen. Adi, I love the cake and the blue mouths. Drew is so darling.

Crazy Lifferths said...

Yea! I have been waiting patiently for an update! Not like I am any better, but I am working on it! We had so much fun, it really makes me miss being close, just that much more! Classic nose picking picture, how did I miss that, with the amount of pictures I took of that shot?! Drew and Owen definitely look alike in those pictures! Love those faces!

bladesfam said...

The side by side pictures of Drew and Owen are AWESOME! They look SO much alike! You forgot to mention that you actually made TWO monster cakes and they were both super cute!!

Stacey said...

so cute! drew is such a chunkey little monkey. i love it!! hes growing so fast

Amy said...

So many fun things and great pictures! Drew has some really good kissing cheeks - he is so cute!! Also, I love the cake you made!

kelly brooke said...

Ooh This is a good post, I miss home already! I had so much fun hanging out with owen and you and drew all week :) I just love you guys!

Ashley C. said...

yay! what cute pics of your cute boys. love drews little cheeks. i want to come kiss them.

happy birthday cute owen. we miss you guys like crazy. love the cake too!


Adrianne said...

we miss you guys!! owen and drew are so stinking cute!

CaraDee said...

Wow, they do look so much alike. Great post!