This is my second attempt to download some video I took of Owen yesterday. I has been talking so much lately and he says some funny stuff so I thought I would try to capture it on tape. I never want to be one of those... look at my child isn't he the cutest thing you ever seen? type of parent, so I apologize. But sometimes I think he is funny and I knew that at least my family would enjoy some of this so oh well. P.S. the video of Owen that Michael posted a few days ago was his way of announcing i am pregnant. (without consulting me) I was going to post an ultrasound picture on Monday but i think Michael just got a little excited. To answer the most common questions asked after telling someone you are expecting.
"How are you feeling?" (why is this always the 1st? I usually hmm and ha and try to decide if I should lie through my teeth or if they really want to know the truth.... I FEEL LIKE CRAP!!!!!!
I know though that it is the beautiful price you pay, right?
"When are you due?" Jan. 11, 2009 I know that sounds a long ways away for me too!
"What do you want a boy or a girl?" Honestly (I mean that) it doesn't matter. Owen would LOVE a little brother to beat up. But I know he would be the sweetest big brother to a girl so I really don't care. I just want a healthy baby.
" Wow you are already getting big!" ( I know that's not a question but people say it) Thank you I was completely unaware it's a good thing you pointed that out for me. Thanks!
No really I am so excited for this baby... and for the 1st trimester to be over! And I will keep you all posted on any news!
P.P.S I am also so excited to be pregnant again with Ashley. She is such a good example to me of how to be a mom!!!!
Yay for babies!! Congrats on the pregnancy! I'm sorry you're feeling like crap....that's no fun. But it's good that you're having more kids. Owen IS really cute, so it would be a shame to deprive the world of more kids with his cuteness. Congrats again!!
Hooray. I am so excited for you all. I laughed so hard the other day when Adrianne told me she went to go get food for Owen- but that you were going to have a bagel and cream cheese. Feel better and when you do- call me. Lets go get some real food.
PS i am so excited to be pregnant with you again too. You are sweet to say that I am an example, but really lately I hope no one is watching my mothering skills. they consist of a whole lot of me laying around. ha ha. you are darling and i think you are such a cute mom. just look at owen! cant wait for another barnett baby! yippe. love you-
First, I love the Owen videos. He is sooo cute and you are a cute Mommy. I don't know if I told you this earlier in emails or not but congrats on the second pregnancy. Im sorry that you don't feel good. I never felt good when I was pregnant.... but like you said you get a beautiful baby in the end. Love ya!
Yeah!! I am excited for you and I am excited for you to be just about done with the first trimester because I feel your pain. Not a fun time - but worth it in the end. Just keep telling yourself that :). I am sure you are tiny you just feel big and it is weird how different it is with the second one! Can't wait to see you guys at the beach!
Alex loves these videos of Owen. Thanks for sharing!
He's so cute. Why can't he come play when Austin is away? I just love that little boy - he's darling.
He's so freaking cute. Can't wait to see him and can't wait to not be the pregnant one at beach week this year:) Congrats, and I hope it's a girl so we can watch our kids flirt with each other in 25 years.
Congratulations on the new addition. Joshua loves to watch Owen's videos. When they finish he always says more, more. I love the part were you ask Owen if you should fight with his friends and he nods yes but says no. It is like the little devil and angel on his shoulders.
Yea!!! It's out in the open! I really hope you start to feel better look fantastic though!! (you are NOT in any way big!:) I can't wait to find out what it's going to be...I have usually been right with all of you guys but I'm just not sure about this one...Hmmm.....Either way I am soooo excited!!
I took a quick peek on here from Stacey's page again. Hope you don't mind...
I am so happy for you! Sorry about feeling so bad, but really excited just the same. And whats even crazier is that I TOTALLY know how you are feeling, because believe or not, I'm right there with you! I'm due about 4 days after you though. And yes, I'm am SO ready for this 1st trimester to be over too.
Congrats again and get feeling better soon!
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