Monday, March 31, 2008

Where did Spring go?

Spring time is not coming to Utah. We will forever be forced to endure the freezing cold. I woke up this morning to go to work and I Had to literally chisel an inch of ice off my car. Then I got to sit in traffic for an hour and a half all the while driving on a sheet of ice. This is not what I signed up for. I came back from lunch an the picture that was up on my screen saver was of Owen late last summer enjoying his favorite shirt. It reminded me of better time and raised my spirits in the reflection that summer will one day return. I hope it does the same for all those of you who do not live in sunny Southern Cal and for those who think this story is all too familiar.

It is time for Lady winter to retreat to her icy cave from whence she came, and to not return until Autumn has come and gone. Hello sweet Spring, I await your warm embrace and I am encouraged by the summer air that is on the horizon.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

cute videos

Last night I tried to get Owen to sit down and talk to me for the camera but all he wanted to do was watch Finding Nemo...  so here is the best footage I could get.

Then about two minutes later he wanted to play the guitar so here is Owen putting on his first concert!

Sunday, March 23, 2008


Thursday, March 20, 2008


I feel as though I need to warn all of you that I am extremely new at this whole blogging thing. I have just been browsing this whole blogging world and WOW you people don't kid around. I have no idea how to do any of the fancy stuff. So just as a warning I will misspell things regularly ( i know, even with spell check) i will misuse punctuation, and I won't try to answer any of life's important questions. I will keep you posted on our little family news and try my best to post pics. thank you experienced bloggers for not passing judgement on me.

Monday, March 17, 2008

Good-bye Mohawk!

Adrienne decided to finally give Owen a decent hair cut.

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Best Buddies

Owen and Austin hadn't seen each other for a few weeks and it was a joyous reunion!!!!


WE went to Mexico in the end of February. It was a nice break from the crazy winter we have had!!! Bob and Gesse were great traveling partners. Michael and I got to sleep in a few times and that is always a treat. Owen had so much fun at the beach and at the hotel because he could just run like crazy ( if you know Owen you know what I am talking about)! One day we went to some ruins and i thought about if prophets of the book of mormon had actually been there, like some people speculate, how overwhelming that is to be standing there on that same ground. We had such a good time and I am so glad owen could be there with us!!!!


Here are some pictures of a Bobsled run that Michael and Scott made from the inspiration of John Conners. Owen, Austin and Lucas had a blast! (We had fun too!)

Thursday, March 6, 2008


This will be our attempt to have a blog, please with us luck and hopefully Adi will post occasionally.