Friday, April 2, 2010


Wow i feel like a bad mom for this one but i laughed really hard when i saw drew! i proved to myself once again that my kids aren't ones who can be ignored! i love my little trouble makers


Crazy Lifferths said...

Okay now that was HILARIOUS! Scott and I laughed SO hard! HAHAHA...that was good! Owen was so proud of his masterpiece. Love you

Crazy Lifferths said...

Oh...and how long did it take to get him clean? And how nasty was the tub???

pitbull said...

Funny, funny, funny, funny. Oh, I love grandkids. Thanks for the day-brightener!

Auntie Lane (your mom's cousin)

Lance and Em said...

Why is this going to be our boys in a year! YIKES! I'm going to need damage control tips! Thanks for the good laugh... hope Drew is ok.

BreAnne Kavanagh said...

K i seriously laughed out loud and watched this video like 4 times! Poor drew...gotta love big brothers :)

Ashley C. said...

Poor Drewie!! Gotta love older siblings!! :) Miss those two cute kids.

kelly brooke said...

Ohhhhh my gosh i just cried I laughed so much. Poor poor little Drewy, classic owen, he is amazing. This video should be sent to AFV for sure.

The Wright's said...

That was great! Poor, Poor Drew! And how proud Owen was! HA HA!

btw: thanks for your facebook message. It meant a lot that you guys still remember us! ;) But you apparently mean more to Juliana than Juliana to Owen, because when I mentioned this story to Juliana, she said, "You mean my cousin Owen said that??" We're all family around here! ;)

Unknown said...

I just can't stop watching this! I cry and laugh everytime! I had to watch it about 5 times while you've been in Arizona.