Monday, November 3, 2008

Owie Dino

This video was taken the day after Halloween and Owen was so sick of wiggling his tail for everyone. I am sad I couldn't get him to do it because it is really cute. He had such a great time Trick or Treating. He was amazed he could go to people's houses and they would give him candy!!!! So for the last two days he goes outside rings the doorbell and trick or treats at grandma and grandpa and he gives candy to anyone who comes to the door. The other pictures were taken before church and the boys just looked so cute.


The Wright's said...

Bummer!!! I was really wanting to see that! Oh well, the dino costume was so stinking cute. I hope he enjoys his candy and doesn't get any candy.

Nice try though.

The Wright's said...

Oopps, I meant that he doesn't get any CAVITIES.

Crazy Lifferths said...

Hilarious video, even though I didn't get to see his tail shake...he was REALLY not into it! I can't wait to see you guys. Austin talked about Didi, Owee, and Nicheal the WHOLE time at lunch with Gigi today! Miss you guys so much!

Stacey said...

Hooray! you posted. I wasn't sure you would do it again! He looks so cute in his outfit and so big! Can you believe we're going to both have 2 crazy boys now?? Hang in there! You can do it--8 more weeks will go fast. I just have one more night and I'm hoping i can get through. I've been having so much pain. weird. all will be over by tomorrow at this time! yeah! I miss you. I wish I could be close too. I'll see you at Christmas!!

Coleen said...

I love that dino.

Alison said...

so cute! When's #2 coming?

em said...

Yay, I'm glad you have a blog! Congrats on another man-child. We are have another boy too! Hopefully we'll be visiting Utah at the same time so we can see eachother again. Owen is getting so big. They will be 5 before we know it.